EMI Music CEO says the CD is ‘dead’

oktober 29th, 2006  |  by | Published in Nieuws

LONDON (MarketWatch) — EMI Music Chairman and Chief Executive Alain Levy Friday told an audience at the London Business School that the CD is dead, saying music companies will no longer be able to sell CDs without offering “value-added” material.”The CD as it is right now is dead,” Levy said, adding that 60% of consumers put CDs into home computers in order to transfer material to digital music players.EMI Music is part of EMI Group PLC (EMI.LN).But there remains a place for physical media, Levy said.”You’re not going to offer your mother-in-law iTunes downloads for Christmas,” he said. “But we have to be much more innovative in the way we sell physical content.”Record companies will need to make CDs more attractive to the consumer, he said.

EMI Music CEO says the CD is ‘dead’ – MarketWatch

Altijd weer grappig als de muziekindustrie ontdekt wat de consument al jaren weet..

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